Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP)課程與考試介紹

欲申請國際頂尖大學的同學,面對越來越強的競爭,光有高分TOEFL、SAT/ACT、SAT II (Subjects)是否足夠? 隨著各校成績標準不一,參加國際性認證的AP考試已是趨勢!近年來大多數常春藤大學錄取學生都有多達3科以上的AP課程或通過AP考試。因此,修習AP課程或通過考試不但可以抵免大學學分且省下不少學分費用外,更可以直接進入大學高階課程的學習,也增加了大學申請的優勢!大學很難藉由學校成績單上的成績來評斷一位學生在某學科的潛能與資質。



Advanced Placement (AP)課程,是由SAT考試機構College Board集合美國優秀的高中及大學老師們所共同設計的一套課程標準。


AP課程相當於大學一年級課程的程度。故較適合在某些科目表現較為優秀,並已完成該科目高中範圍課程的學生修習。通過AP考試者,可憑AP Exam成績向大學申請學分折抵(但參與AP考試並不要求一定要先修過AP課程)。


AP也是申請美國大學衡量的重要指標之一。其他指標還有在校加權成績(GPA)、SAT I成績、SAT II 成績、托福 (TOEFL) iBT、課外活動,以及班級排名等。




AP科目除了影視(Studio)與 藝術(Art)之外,其他科目考試的內容均包括電腦計分的多重選擇題,和人工閱卷的問答題或作文。
考試分數為以上二者加權合併後的原始分數 (raw scores)再轉換為五分制的最後總分:




申請美國大學人數年年激增,導致大學錄取率下降。引用 Niche 2020年針對 SAT 成績門檻難度排名,整理了「全美最難進大專院校」名單:Niche的資料是來自於美國教育部(U.S. Department of Education);不同於 US News,他將美國綜合大學與文理學院一起比較,有助於大家一併了解各種學校類型的申請分數要求。







AP Scholar


AP Scholar with Honor


AP Scholar with Distinction

所有參加的AP考試中,有五科或五科以上成績超過3分,且平均分數在3. 5分以上的學生。

State AP Scholar


A. 最多3分以上的AP考試成績者;

B. 且考試平均分數最高者(需高於3.5分以上)。 National AP Scholar---頒發給美國境內所有參加AP考試的學生中,有八科或八科以 上成績超過4分,且平均分數在4分以上的學生。

AP 課程

AP Calculus AB

Explore the concepts, methods, and applications of differential and integral calculus. You’ll work to understand the theoretical basis and solve problems by applying your knowledge and skills.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Calculus BC

Explore the concepts, methods, and applications of differential and integral calculus, including topics such as parametric, polar, and vector functions, and series. You’ll perform experiments and investigations and solve problems by applying your knowledge and skills.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Statistics

Learn about the major concepts and tools used for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. You’ll explore statistics through discussion and activities, and you’ll design surveys and experiments.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Physics 1 : Algebra-Based

Learn about the foundational principles of physics as you explore Newtonian mechanics; work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. You’ll do hands-on laboratory work to investigate phenomena.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Physics 2 : Algebra-Based

Expand your understanding of physics as you explore topics such as fluids; thermodynamics; electric force, field, and potential; electric circuits; magnetism and electromagnetic induction; geometric and physical optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. You’ll do hands-on and inquiry-based in-class activities and laboratory work to investigate phenomena.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Physics C : Mechanics

Explore concepts such as kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; rotation; oscillations; and gravitation. You’ll do hands-on laboratory work and in-class activities to investigate phenomena and use calculus to solve problems.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

Explore concepts such as electrostatics, conductors, capacitors and dielectrics, electric circuits, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism. You’ll do hands-on laboratory work and in-class activities to investigate phenomena and use calculus to solve problems.


課程內容(Course Content)

AP Chemistry

Learn about the fundamental concepts of chemistry including structure and states of matter, intermolecular forces, and reactions. You’ll do hands-on lab investigations and use chemical calculations to solve problems.


課程內容(Course Content)